Customer experience success: Technology transforms dealer sales executives

by | Jul 13, 2023


In today’s competitive automotive sector, staying ahead of the game requires novel approaches to enhance customer experience by empowering the Dealer Sales Executives (DSEs). Streamz, an innovative sales readiness platform designed to empower DSEs, embarked on a journey with an a few auto Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) in India to drive business impact and transform the way sales representatives engage with their customers. After a year of implementing Streamz for 3,500 DSEs across India, the results were remarkable, highlighting the significance of user engagement, knowledge levels, customer experience (Cx), and ultimate business outcomes. Let’s delve into the findings and explore the industry insights gained along the way

Categorizing user engagement

Understanding the patterns of user engagement within the Streamz app was crucial in assessing its impact on DSE performance. The analysis revealed three categories of users: Elites, Regulars, and Laggards.

The Elites were in the Top 25% who used the app nearly every day.
The Regulars were the middle 50% who engaged 1-2 times per week,
The Laggards constituted the bottom 25% who used the app once every 2-3 weeks.

User engagement and knowledge levels

The correlation between user engagement and knowledge levels proved to be significant. The analysis showed that DSEs spending more time engaging with the Streamz app, Elites, exhibited a staggering 78% higher knowledge level compared to the Laggards. Above all, this finding underlines the critical role of app engagement in enhancing the expertise and product knowledge of sales representatives.

Impact of knowledge levels on customer experience

The second phase of analysis focused on evaluating how knowledge levels influenced the customer experience (Cx). The key findings were striking: the Laggards had an average Cx score of 46, the Regulars scored 67, and the Elites achieved an impressive Cx score of 76.
Comparatively, this data indicated a remarkable 65% improvement in Cx from the Laggards to the Elites. Correspondingly, this demonstrates the positive correlation between knowledge levels and the ability to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Read this blog on how to onboard DSEs to sell bikes in 30 days

Customer experience and test rides

The subsequent analysis delved into the impact of Cx on the number of test drives/rides conducted by DSEs. The data revealed that DSEs with better Cx scores were able to deliver 28% more test rides per month. Specifically, the Laggards averaged 29 test rides per month, the Regulars conducted 34, and the Elites led the pack with 37. This finding highlights the crucial role of Customer Experience in facilitating more test rides. Consequently, creating increased opportunities for potential customers to experience the brand firsthand.

Conversion of test rides to retail purchases

The final analysis explored the conversion rates of test rides into retail purchases, indicating the ultimate business impact. The results were astounding: the Laggards achieved an average conversion rate of 39%, the Regulars converted at 44%, while the Elites outperformed with an impressive 53% conversion rate.
Above all, this finding revealed that the more knowledgeable and engaged DSEs, represented by the Elites, were able to convert a remarkable 36% more test rides into actual purchases compared to the Laggards.


The journey with Streamz and the Auto OEMs in India demonstrated the transformative impact of empowering DSEs using technology. The analysis of user engagement, knowledge levels, customer experience, and business outcomes provided valuable industry insights for the automotive sector. It became evident that greater engagement and knowledge led to improved customer experiences. This in turn increased test rides, and improved conversion rates. This analysis shows the importance of adopting technology-driven solutions to drive business impact. It helps secure a competitive advantage in the dynamic automotive industry.

In summary, the Streamz platform reforms the way DSEs engage with customers. It shows the importance of engagement, knowledge levels, and customer experiences. By empowering DSEs, businesses can unlock the potential for higher test drive/ride conversions and improved customer satisfaction. This enables greater business success in the automotive sector. Check our Automotive Sales Training page for more details.

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